Case name:
Walmart Canada Pricing Error Class Action (Quebec)
Quebec Superior Court file #:
This class action seeks compensation from Wal-Mart for violating sections 16, 224c) and 231 of Québec’s Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”), by cancelling certain purchases made by Class Members on the website on April 4 and 5, 2021.
Class Authorized by the Court:
All consumers domiciled or residing in Québec who, on April 4th or 5th, 2021, placed an order for an item priced at $3.49 from the website and who, after receiving a purchase confirmation from Wal-Mart at the price initially advertised, subsequently had their purchase cancelled by Wal-Mart.
Remedies sought for consumers:
This class action claims compensatory damages on behalf of all class members equivalent the “Lost Value”, calculated as the difference between the higher price advertised by Walmart for an item on April 7, 2021 and the price at which this item was initially advertised at on April 4-5, 2021, namely $3.49. The action also invokes the Consumer Protection Act to claim punitive damages of $500 for each member of the class.
On March 30, 2022, the Superior Court of Quebec authorized this class action. A copy of the authorization judgment is available here.