Case name
IKEA – chests of drawers class action (Quebec)
Quebec Superior Court file #
What this case was about
The Plaintiff alleged that IKEA violated section 228 of Quebec’s Consumer Protection Act by failing to inform consumers of the dangers associated to the Chest of Drawers sold in mass by IKEA, including 3 deaths in the United States. IKEA always denied any wrongdoing and has agreed to settle the class action without prejudice or admission of any wrongdoing. A copy of the Settlement Agreement is available below.
Class Authorized
All consumers within the meaning of Quebec’s Consumer Protection Act who between January 1, 2002 and June 28, 2016 purchased IKEA’s children chests of drawers taller than 60 cm (23 ½ inches) or adult chests of drawers taller than 75 cm (29 ½ inches) recalled by IKEA Canada namely the following models: Askvoll, Brimnes, Brusali, Busunge, Hemnes, Hurdal, IKEA Ps 2012, Koppang, Kullen, Malm, Nornas, Stockholm, Stuva, Sundvik, Tarva, Trogen, Trysil, Tyssedal, Undredal, Alesund, Alleby, Alvesta, Aneboda, Angus, Ânes, Arup, Askedal, Aspelund, Balstar, Bankeryd, Bergsmo, Bialitt, Birkeland, Blimp, Boj, Brett, Boksta, Bjorn, Borkvalla, Diktad, Edland, Elis, Engan, Eksil, Fjell, Fjord, Flaten, Fridolin, Granâs, Gute, Haddal, Hajdeby, Hensvik, Herrestad, Holleby, Hovdal, Hopen, Hosteland, Kabin, Kirkenes, Knot, Kusk, Kurs, Kviby, Leksvik, Lo, Lomen, Mac, Mast, Mammut, Mandal, Merâker, Midsund, Natura, Narvik, Nordli, Nordnes, Nyvoll, Ottenby, Rakke, Ramberg, Ranvik, Rodd, Robin, Rustik, Sala, Skarnes, Sandefjord, Stranda, Sveio, Stavanger, Tassa, Tovik, Trandum, Trondheim, Varde, Vajer, Vallvik, Vestby, Vinstra, Visdalen, Vollen.
Terms of the Settlement
To receive compensation from the Settlement, you may choose one of the options detailed in the settlement documents available on the Settlement Website: www.chestofdrawerssettlement.com, which include the Recall Benefits already available as per the recall dated June 26, 2016. The Recall Benefits include a full or partial refund (for details click here). Alternately, you have until July 28, 2021 to request a free Pickup Service (the actual pickup may be scheduled after this date, that is only after the Settlement is approved by the Court and final, but must be requested by no later than July 28, 2021).
Free Pickup Service in Quebec:
To benefit from the free Pickup Service you must submit a Claim Form (available online: www.chestofdrawerssettlement.com) with its Sections A, B and C, and return the duly completed Claim Form to the Claims Administrator by email, fax, or online by July 28, 2021. If the Claim for the Pickup is valid, the Pickup will be scheduled if and after the Settlement is approved by the Court. Class Members can call the IKEA Customer Support Centre at 1-888-444-5596 for a free Pickup Service in the province of Quebec. For further information, you can contact the Claims Administrator by email codsettlement@ikeaservice.ca. You may also contact Class Counsel by email jzukran@lpclex.com or phone (514) 379-1572.
On July 30, 2021, the Superior Court of Quebec approved the IKEA Settlement. A copy of the judgment is available below. If you submitted a claim form by the July 28, 2021 deadline IKEA should be contacting you shortly to schedule your pickup. If you have any questions please send an email to codsettlement@ikeaservice.ca with copy to jzukran@lpclex.com.
The class action was initially authorized by the Superior Court of Quebec on December 5, 2018. On March 15, 2019, the Court of Appeal confirmed this judgment by dismissing IKEA’s application for leave to appeal. On April 28, 2021, the parties signed the Settlement Agreement. The semi-online Settlement Approval Hearing took place on June 30, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., in courtroom 17.09 of the Montréal Courthouse.
Files – IKEA Chest of Drawers Recall Class Action
Judgment Approving the IKEA Settlement – July 30, 2021
Addenda #2 to IKEA Settlement Agreement – July 26, 2021
Addenda to IKEA Settlement Agreement – June 30, 2021
Judgment Approving Notice to Class Members – May 18, 2021
Notice of Dissemination Plan and Distribution Protocol (Schedule A)
Short Form Notice to Class Members (Schedule B1)
Long Form Notice to Class Members (Schedule B2)
Judgment Authorizing Class Action Against IKEA Canada – December 5, 2018
Application to authorize – IKEA Canada – Amended September 21, 2018