Case name:
Abusive Unlocking Fees by Wireless Providers
Quebec Superior Court file #:
For years, Canadian wireless providers such as Bell Mobility, Fido, Rogers, Telus, Virgin Mobile and Videotron have been generating hundreds of millions of dollars charging consumers $50.00 plus tax to unlock their phones. It turns out that these providers intentionally order their devices locked, when they could have easily ordered them unlocked and thus avoid imposing the fee on consumers. Applicant alleges that the unlocking fees charged by the Defendants are disproportionate, exploitative and abusive, and bear no relation to the underlying cost of providing unlocking services;
Class Authorized:
All consumers residing or having resided in Quebec, who paid to any of the Defendants a fee to unlock their wireless device from August 14, 2014, to December 1, 2017.
Remedies sought for consumers:
This class action seeks the full reimbursement of the unlocking fees paid to the wireless service providers.
On February 26, 2024, the Superior Court of Quebec authorized this class action against Fido, Rogers, Bell, Telus and Videotron. A copy of the authorization judgment is accessible here.